Wednesday, January 5, 2011

a note on professionalism

so michelle had 2 fabulous shoots planned for today and yesterday and just our luck, none of them happened. i'm particularly bothered by the fact that today's shoot didn't happen cause the model decided to not show up and she also failed to call or text michelle that she wasn't gonna make it. before this happened, i was aware that some models actually do this but when it actually happened to me, i didn't realize that it would bother me so much. i'm all one for being professional and to think that i would just completely flop on a shoot without notifying anyone is absolutely beyond me. its actually mind-boggingly ludicrous to me. the whole entire day i was trying to imagine what could possibly be going through that model's head to think its actually ok to just not attend a shoot that she clearly confirmed for the night before. does she not care or realize that her lack of professionalism affects the way people perceive her? the point is, professionalism and courtesy goes A LONG way in this industry. everybody knows everybody and first impressions last forever. don't forget it. it applies to everyone regardless of what u do.

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